Nine Month Shamanic Mentorship Programme Agreement

Below is a legal agreement between the practitioner ‘Catherine Fewings’ and the client ‘You’ basically stating that the client agrees to the terms of the agreement in order to participate in the Nine Month Shamanic Mentorship Programme.

  • By completing and submitting this form and checking the Acknowledgement box at the checkout it will be classified as an electronic signature on this form.
The client agrees to enter into a good faith, good will agreement with the following terms.
The client agrees to pay the scheduled fee for the 9 Month Shamanic Mentorship Programme and to pay on or before the scheduled payment date the amount outlined in thew schedule below.
Payment Schedule: By ticking the below option box, you are stating your preferred payment option.
Late Payments: If the client fails to meet the agreed payment schedule, services and mentoring provided by Catherine will be suspended. Services will only commence again upon agreement and reinstatement of payments. This may mean the client waiting until the next mentorship intake. This will be at the discretion of Catherine.
Refund Policy: Catherine Fewings holds a no refund policy, if you’re unhappy with the services or mentoring provided, please make Catherine aware and upon negotiations and a new agreement will be entered into. If under extenuating circumstances you are unable to attend the course and payments have been made, after discussions with Catherine Fewings the monies will be held in credit until the next course is available.
Photographic and Video Consent: In signing this agreement the client agrees that any videography or still images taken during the course or the programme can be used for promotional material. If you the client do not agree with their image being used, please make note below that you decline authorisation of your image being used. The client needs to be aware that any videography or still images remain the proprietary property of Catherine, and cannot be used for any purpose without the consent of Catherine Fewings.
Intellectual Property: All the teaching materials, film, still images, downloads, PDF’s, channeled information, spiritual content, guided messages and written work (including Catherine’s book - 100 Day to Spiritual Freedom), remain the proprietary property of Catherine Fewings and cannot be shared outside the membership circle or used for any other purpose or reproduced in any way without written consent from Catherine.
Confidentiality: The client understands that the mentoring programme is a place of trust, honour and care for all participating members including Catherine and other members. The Client agrees to treat with all confidentiality and respect, independent of culture, religion, spirituality, race and sexuality anything that may be said by another client during the moments of group discussions and on the Facebook Group Page, or at any time during the mentoring process. Any activity or discussion that falls outside of the membership circle will be considered a breach of this contract and your mentorship agreement can be terminated immediately.
Complaints: If you have a complaint please put it in writing and forward it to Catherine Fewings, it will be address within 14 business days from receipt by Catherine. Do not discuss your complaint/s with other members of the programme, doing so will be considered a breach of this contract and your mentorship agreement can be terminated immediately.
Outline of programme: A 9-month mentorship into the magical world of Shamanism, where you will grow and develop into a person capable of thriving in life - by having one foot in the spirit world and one foot healthily grounded in this earthly reality.
Programme Schedule: As per course curriculum and dates stated in the payments schedule.
* You will receive questions to ponder and grow from in between the online catch ups.
* You will have access to the recorded zoom gatherings in case you can’t be there in person or would like to revisit the conversations.
* There will be a facebook group to share what we are experiencing as we develop together.
* Catherine will be available for one on one support when you needed.
Please re-enter your name then press the submit button to show you are accepting the terms of this agreement.