Shamanic Healing & Breathwork


Shamans believe we are all deeply connected with everything around us on an energetic level.

To become connected they use breathwork and ‘journey’ to tap into the wisdom of the ‘other reality realm’ (dream world, spiritual world) to gain insights that assist people. The aim is to bring the individuals back into an energetic balance, leaving them feeling lighter, centred, empowered.

People who used to feel stressed, anxious, angry, scared, lost or frustrated experience a sense of inner peace. They feel centred and are empowered to make inspired

Benefits you can expect

  • Managing stress
  • Bringing about a sense of wellness and wellbeing
  • Creating clarity of thoughts and a sense of direction
  • Overcoming crisis
  • Driving personal growth
  • Creating success
  • Balancing emotions
  • Healing depression and/or trauma
  • Overcome health challenges
  • Weaken symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety and panic attacks
  • Tapping into your own emotional intelligence and intuition
  • Overcoming addiction

How it works

This can be done from the comfort of your home via distance healing or in person.

When you focus your attention on your breath, the magic starts unfolding. You connect to the inner wisdom and guidance of your body, and by doing so you start to gain:

  • A blissful sense of tension release, deep relaxation and detachment
  • Clarity of thought and deeper insights into matters that were escaping you thus far
  • Clearing of blocked
  • emotions bringing about a sense of incredible relief
  • A sense of coming home, of belonging and of being supported
  • A purposeful connection to the web of life, and the part you play in it
  • A new sense of aliveness, a feeling of being reborn
  • Increase of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life

Content Covered

  • A 1 on 1 shamanic healing and breathwork session can run for 60 or 120 minutes
  • The technique involves participants first relaxing and then breathing to music slightly deeper and faster than normal
  • Deep breathing as a doorway to a deeper state of awareness – connecting you to self and to the realm of ‘non-reality’, your spiritual essence
  • Using the drum, rattle, crystals, shamanic journeying and/or hands-on touch to explore where the energetic imbalances are in your body and removing them
  • Bringing balance back into your body, mind and soul

1 Hour Session


2 Hour Session


6 x 2 Hour Session

Plus Complimentary 7th Session


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